Sunday, October 28, 2007

The First Post

The purpose of this blog is to catalog all of the things that I find myself wondering. Most of what I will include is just things that I find myself scowering the globe for answers for. I will include what I am thinking, and also the result (i.e. me finding the answer to my question). For example, I have always wondered why the sky is blue. I know the reason now, but if I didn't, I would like up to someplace that I was able to find the answer. If you would like to reproduce anything in this or any of my other blogs, in part or in whole, then you must obtain my express, written permission. E-mail me at if you have any questions, concerns, comments, or otherwise. Reproduction of part(s) of this blog, in part or in whole, constitutes a breech of copywright law, where applicable. Feel free to tag, digg, link, etc. I hope you enjoy what I've written.

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